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Tashica Ford - Football Cheer
Kendralynn Edwards - Basketball Cheer

2024-25 Schedule Coming Soon

RCHS is SUPER PROUD of our Cheerleaders!!! 

The primary purpose of the RCHS cheerleading program is to develop school pride and unity, to lead the student body in demonstrating spirit and support for the teams, coaches, and individuals who participate in athletic events, compete in a spirit of good sportsmanship, and represent RCHS in an upstanding manner.

Team members are some of the most visual representatives of our high school!


RCHS Varsity Football Cheer 

Our Coaching staff includes:

RCHS Cheer Coaches

Coach Donna Payne, Varsity Football Cheer
Coach Vanessa Burch, JV Football Cheer
Coach Kendrallynn Edwards, Varsity Basketball Cheer
Coach Tashica Ford, JV Basketball Cheer

RCHS Football Cheer 

Our cheerleaders demonstrate good leadership, overall great conduct and sportsmanship at school as well as away from school.   They are expected to be a positive influence on the school and athletic program.

JV Football Cheer
JV Football 

If you are interested in becoming a part of our Cheer Program, Tryouts are held annually in March for ALL cheer squads, whether Varsity or Junior Varsity, Football or Basketball.  Applications and online PRIVIT information must be completed including a current physical as well as recommendations from your current teachers.  Applications are not available until the beginning of March.  Be sure to plan ahead!!! 😊


Varsity Basketball Cheer 

Varsity Basketball Cheer


JV Basketball Cheer   

  JV Basketball Cheer

Varsity Football Cheer

RCHS Varsity Football Cheer!