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Officers Shelton Ragland and Gary Parker

Contact Us

Room 318 
770-483-8754 ext 28184.

[email protected]
[email protected]

In School Safety Tips

1. Bring a lock to school for your locker if you have gym, ROTC or weightlifting.

2. Do not charge your cell phone at the back of a classroom. Do not allow a student to borrow your cell phone.

3. Talk with your students about internet safety.

School Safety Tips

The Conyers Police Department reminds all drivers to stop when the lights on school buses are flashing.

Children are not always aware of their surroundings and assume that drivers will stop for them. Youngsters also dart into the road without looking first for traffic. Allow room for the frequent stops that happen during the morning pick up and the afternoon drop off.

Load Up The Kids And Lock Up The House

CPD encourages everyone to establish the habit of basic security when leaving the house. Basic crime prevention measures can make it difficult for a burglar to enter your home.

1. Lock your windows and doors before you walk or load the kids up for the drive to the bus stop or school. Don't give a burglar a perfect opportunity.

2. Add a security checklist to your rush hour routine. Parents or daycare providers can provide a learning experience for children. Depending on the age or ages of the children, give them a task that relates to their security. Older children can check and lock windows, while younger ones can make sure the doors are locked behind you when you leave.

3. Keep an eye out for strangers who seem to be lurking on your street with no real purpose. Watch for cars driving slowly through the neighborhood. They might be sizing up potential targets. Don't hesitate to call 911 if something concerns you. Provide a basic description of the individual or car; a tag number is especially helpful to police.    

4. Make life for criminals difficult. Burglars are opportunists who work during the day and night. In fact, many burglars strike during daylight hours when they believe all the occupants of the house may be at school or work. Remember to keep your home secure at all times.

Educate Your Children About School Safety

CPD reminds parents, guardians and children about school safety. Although the Police Department educates children in school on stranger danger, parents can also provide guidance on safety.

1. Be aware of putting your child's name on anything that is readily visible. This might allow an abductor to get on a "first name" basis with your child and develop a sense of trust.

2. Walk the route to and from school with your children, pointing out safe places to go if they are being followed or need help.

3. Talk to your children about strangers approaching them and some of the ploys they might use. Stress to them that adults shouldn't need a child's help to find a puppy or get directions; they should ask another adult for that information.

4. Teach your children that it is okay to say "no." Tell them to trust their instincts.

5. Remind your children never to give the impression they are home alone if strangers telephone or come to the door. Never open the door for a stranger. Teach them about dialing 911.